Wednesday, December 9, 2015

More on the 5Essentials

As if the teaching world and public at large didn't know, we need collaborative teachers according to the work of the University of Chicago Consortium in School Research. The platitude which states that "the staff is committed to the school, receives strong professional development, and works together to improve the school," is all fine and good.

I have often wondered to myself whether or not Principals, and other hiring personnel, REALLY look for this quality in a prospective staff member. My experience tells me that this is not a high priority. Of course, it ought to be.

Teachers know they need to collaborate...that's a given. What is not given are daily schedules and the necessary time to pull off the important work of collaboration. Here's what I mean. Let's say there are three Algebra I teachers. If the three of them never have the same planning period, tell me how they are suppose to collaborate? By the way, I don't want naysayers to tell me they can meet before or after school. Those time slots are already crammed with obligations.

This gets into the time element. Teachers have lesson preparation, teaching, grading, tons of emails, clubs, coaching, plenty to do with standardized testing, rankings and the like and more, there isn't, as the saying goes, "enough time in the day." And thoughtful collaboration takes significant time and commitment.

Real collaboration will take place only when those in charge make it a meaningful endeavor.


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