Friday, August 28, 2015

It's Not Going to Get any Easier

Fully funding public education is not going to get any easier as we go forward. Serving ALL students, those with disabilities and without, is costly. The age of computers, with all that technology has to offer, is in a word...expensive!!!

Pensions, salaries, insurance, athletics and more are also quite costly not to mention paying for the building and upkeep of structures.

We need not kid ourselves, the costs are great and real. This situation is not likely to abate. All that being said, an educated public is absolutely essential to a sound, free, robust, democratic, literate, and successful civil society.

Expensive, yes, but we have to find ways to ensure that the strength and fabric of public education is at the forefront of public debate and consciousness. Quite simply we can't afford not to maintain a strong public education system.


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