Wednesday, August 19, 2015

An Abundance of Aid

Last week marked a high water mark in terms of our donors and volunteers bringing needed supplies to thousands of students. As the schools open or ready to start the year here are the schools we supplied with resources last week. 42 schools served!!

Chicago: Harriett Beecher Stowe, Chase, Yates, John Hay, Lowell, Chopin, Gregory, Hughes, Jensen, Johnson, Pickard, Pilsen, Metcalfe, Curtis, Lavizzo, Haley, Fuller, Wadsworth, Tanner, Barton, Holmes, Mays, Sherwood, Wentworth, LEARN Charter, Thorpe, Prospectives High School, and Evers.

Posen/Robbins: Gordon, Childs, Kellar, and Posen

Harvey: Sandburg, Bryant, Brooks, Whittier, Holmes, Lowell Longfellow, and Maya Angelou

Cook County District 130: Nathan Hale Middle, Nathan Hale Primary and Nathan Hale Intermediate

: Anne M. Jeans

To all who assisted with this important heartfelt thanks!


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Girls Singing at IMN

Classes Singing at IMN

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Driving into Port Au Prince

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IMN School