Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Sit and Stare

You know something is drastically wrong with the preparation and administration of the PARCC test when those students who opt out have nothing else to do, while the exam is given, than to merely sit and stare. But, lo and behold, that is pretty much what is happening.

What, you can't read or write or doing something else that is constructive? That appears to be the case. Right now, Illinois has no laws or rules on how to deal with students who won't take the multi-day exams. Districts are struggling with how to handle the opt outs.

Some districts have the students in the PARCC test environment while some keep them out of the exam room. At any rate, getting PARCC off the ground has not been smooth. Let me finish with this notion. There was no real buy-in from the get go. Unless you get people 'on board,' then you are going to have these sorts of issues, sitting and starring but one of many.


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