Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Money Wins Out on PARCC

The brass at CPS has relented on its original pledge to have just 10% of the schools take the PARCC test. The reason for the turnaround has nothing to do with being equipped for the exam or whether the test is worthwhile (that's another can of worms). The bottom line is this...CPS was faced with losing hundreds of millions of dollars in aid if they didn't administer the test this spring.

Yes, the Illinois State Board of Education was going to hold back the funding. Nothing like being held hostage!! UGH!

Just to give you an idea of the craziness of this whole affair, let me share with you the sentiments of schools chief Barbara Byrd-Bennett. She said, "I continue to personally and professionally believe that to administer PARCC this year is absolutely not in the best interest of our students."

There you have it! A professional, not a politician, speaking out on the issue. So what happens, the education professionals are ignored.

Don't be surprised if a fair number of parents and staff, perhaps the sleepy public, rise up and say no. I'll have more to say on this in the coming days.


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