Friday, January 30, 2015

Kudo's to the Doings

So just who the heck or what the heck is the Doings? Well, it is a small newspaper publication (the Pioneer Press Publication) in the western suburb area just outside of Chicago, IL. Just this past Thursday, January 29th, an Opinion Piece written by Randy Blaser drew attention to a central issue in education today.

The article is titled, "We need a Marshall Plan for Education." Prior to reading the piece I must confess I was a bit on the skeptical side. Well, the piece was right on in so very many ways. In fact, it is a piece worthy of publication in any major publication in any large city in America.

Let me give you a small sample of the insight into Randy's thinking. He comments on the issue of being tardy to work. The point Mr. Blaser makes is that if an employee or two (a small number) is late, the entire department or firm gets a scolding or "memo about tardiness." Well, lo and behold, we make all types of rules and regulations, through bureaucratic agencies, that are suppose to apply to everyone even though not everyone is tardy.

That says Randy is one of the biggest problems in education today, we have rules, regulations and standardized tests for 100% of our schools even though the schools are in completely different situations. He implores us to look closely at where we are at. As Mr. Blaser says, "Some schools are doing just great. They don't need the extra money or bureaucratic hoops to jump through. We should just leave them alone." Give help where help is needed.

Randy implores us to help those in need and to 'leave well enough alone.'

Well said!!


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