Friday, January 16, 2015

2015 Wish List

One of the most urgent needs in education is a call for our IEA, NEA and AFT to come together to agree to pressure local, state, and federal government agencies to enlist their help on at least two fronts.

First, our education associations need to make clear from the local levels to the Department of Education that teachers, in cooperation with local Boards of Education, are capable and willing to foster the proper tools to best evaluate teacher performance. I am not advocating an absence of such a instrument but it has to be one that has clear criteria and the people who are evaluating staff must understand what that criteria means and that they are capable (trained) to competently assess teacher performance.

Finally, teacher associations need to take a much more aggressive posture when it comes to the whole area of standardized testing. Right now students and instructors are pretty much at the mercy of non-education folks when it comes to this arena.

Yes, a 'wish list' but one that merits serious consideration.


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