Thursday, December 4, 2014

CPS acts Responsibly

Chicago Public Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett made a couple of important and positive moves with respect to the rating of schools. Gone, thankfully, is the term 'probation' or 'probationary.' That is such a loaded term, in many respects, and its use certainly tainted the kids, teachers and the entire school community.

Also, many schools, last year, underwent significant changes as many schools were closed and others became welcoming schools with significantly different student populations. Some of these welcoming schools, under the old ranking system, would have had a lower rating due to the fact that test scores took a nosedive. But, to her credit, Byrd-Bennett realized that giving 'welcoming' schools a lower ranking, due to lower standardized test scores, would not be wise in light of the significant demographic shift.

To many these may not be big changes but to those children, families, staff and others, these changes reflect a sensitivity that are deserved by the various stakeholders.

Thank you CEO Byrd-Bennett for your understanding!


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