Friday, October 24, 2014

Well, What do you Know!!

Yesterday, CPS Board Member Andrea Zopp actually made an admission of sorts. Ms. Zopp essentially said it was hypocritical of CPS to close 50 schools in 2013 while opening new charters at the same time. In her own words, Zopp remarked, "We cannot continue to open new seats [charters] and then say 'Well we closed schools because we have too many seats.' It's highly hypocritical."

Zopp went further on charters. "But we need to be thoughtful and strategic about what schools are where, and also make sure they're performing charters. Many of our charters are not performing."

Many citizens are under the impression that just because a public school becomes a charter then all is well. That isn't the case. The name of a school system and how it is organized is not assurance of student success. Student growth and success has many, many variables and whether it is a charter or not has little to do with such achievement.

Let's hope other CPS personnel heed this warning.


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