Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Not Quite as Planned

The Tuesday edition of the Chicago Tribune said it quite succinctly relative to the spring school closings and the relocation of the students. The front page banner proclaimed, 'Kids shun schools picked by CPS.' People might say that's okay as long as they are going to school but there's more dismay and disappointment with the students not going to the welcoming schools.

The welcoming schools had huge money spent on them; new ipads, air conditioning, building repairs and the funds put aside for 'safe passage.' On the other hand, schools not considered as welcoming, and not getting the above improvements, in some cases, received more students than the welcoming students.

A couple of examples, West Pullman was closed and the students were to attend Haley (we worked with both of these schools). A mere 34% of W. Pullman's students attended Haley while many more traveled further south to Metcalfe Elementary. Metcalfe took in the children but the strain on everyone was unexpected and burdeonsome.

There were bound to be glitches in the process but this is not one that the mayor and CPS brass could ever have expected on such a grand scale. I wonder if the non-welcoming schools will get the equipment, funding and attention - now that they have more students than expected - that they deserve.

Me...I'm not holding my breath.


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