Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Few Thoughts

As I continue to read Diane Ravitch's Reign of Error I can't help to think that one of the very reasons why we have this alleged 'mess' concerning education is that people simply don't have the facts. Yes, those messy facts that should guide our thoughts, actions, perhaps even alter our beliefs.

I am under no illusion that this will end soon. With almost every state going to the 'Common Core' testing (and likely falling scores) I get the sense that the howling will only get louder. Besides, many schools are going to tie teacher evaluations - some in large part - to the scores of students on standardized test results.

This insane drumbeat that our 'schools are failing' and that 'unions are ruining schools' has to stop. The desire to privatize public education has to cease. Do you really want a non-educator, in many instances, running such an important civic endeavor? Not me!! Put another way, do you want a non-physician running the medical profession? I think not!!!


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