Thursday, September 12, 2013

Reign of Error

As Diane Ravitch says, "I try to stand up for the weak and powerless and voiceless, and some people don't like that." Some of her critics accuse her of being too close to unions, others believe she picks fights, and still others believe she cherry picks information to lambast charter schools or to assail test based accountability.

One of the reasons I enjoy Ravitch's books and journal writings is that she has seen all sides of education. Ms. Ravitch has worked in the Dept. of Education, has studied the history of the field, and once backed tying test scores to school performance. Not exactly a background that one would think would make teachers her best friend.

Today Ms. Ravitch assails the reformers in her new book "Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America's Public Schools." The book comes out next week and one of its major points is that the problem of race and income inequality is largely ignored.

I'll be sure to pick up the book, dig into it and share many of its ideas and concerns.


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