Friday, September 27, 2013

More Ravitch and Common Sense

One of the reasons I find the recent Ravitch publication, "Reign of Error" so thoughtful, insightful and on target is because it not only uncovers some of the many 'errors' in thinking on the part of the corporate reformers but it also divulges ways in which real improvements can be made in today's schools.

As Ravitch points out, noted author Russell Rumberger - who heads the Dropout Research Project - says that what discourages students is not a college preparatory curriculum but; rather, a curriculum that develops their vocational and academic interests.   What dropout students and those on their way to such a path need is an education that promotes motivation, perseverance and self esteem according to Rumberger.

Come to think of it, any student, college bound or not, needs are the above qualities.   This is nothing new, just plain common sense. 

Teachers, staff and, certainly, students who are 'dropping out' could well use an alteration in the curriculum being offered to them.   Making students take A.P. courses, standardized testing, Honors courses, and hounding kids about attending college are not a prescription for preventing kids from dropping out.   More importantly these aren't a prescription for aiding students in the best possible tradition of public education.


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