Friday, May 17, 2013

Let's See...

  • And just why isn't CPS likely to listen to judge recommendations, solicited by the brass at CPS headquarters, not to close certain schools?
  • What will become of the 54 empty schools?
  • Where will residents in those school closing areas turn for various social services once the schools close?
  • Have plans been put into place to retain staff who are rated 'excellent?'
  • Will CPS track the progress, or lack thereof, of students who are displaced by the closings?
  • Will an 'impartial' observer comment/recorde how the combined school populations co-exist?
  • Should some of these closings not work out, as planned, will CPS recant?
  • If the above clsoings aren't effective or fail to live up to their billing will Mayor Emanuel hold anyone accountable?
These aren't unimportant concerns and issues.  It's one thing to make the alterations, it's quite another to make them work and then to dispassionately assess what is really taking place once the plans have been in place for a year or two.

Let's see!!

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