Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Big News?

The big news that hit the airwaves yesterday proclaimed that more students in America are taking the ACT test than the SAT.  Yeah, I guess.

It got me to thinking about what is important in the whole process of educating youth and what it really takes for a student to make it in the world.  I also thought about the whole local and state testing which students are subjected to a growing basis.  Finally, I thought about those people I know who have 'made it' and reflected on my own background.

I have long held the belief that what really enables a person to be successful are those elements of ones personality and fiber that have nothing to do with the ACT or SAT.

No, what is more important than ones test results is an individuals drive, grit, interest, motivation and determination.  Give me a person who excels in these qualities and I will assure you that such a person, irrespective of their test scores - high or low - will 'make it' in the world.

It's been a long time since I have heard the general public, many educators or the media extol the above virtues.  Yes, I'll say it, drive, grit, interest, motivation and determination are far more important than what a test score says.  I am sure there are plenty of you out there who can attest to this and your lives reflect this reality.

Education can best serve students by working to instill such qualities in today's learner.


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