Friday, September 14, 2012

A Personal Note

Twenty four years ago my Father passed away.  I told him and my Mother at the time that he had much to do with what I consider to be a wonderful upbringing.  To the extent that I might have worked hard and had a bit of success in teaching, I attributed to my Dad's influence.

But, like any other individual, I was positively influenced by both parents.  As my Mother has had some serious illness issues, over the past few months, I have given some thought to what she has meant to me.  The part of me that wants to reach out to others to be of some service can directly be attributed to Mom.

She taught me something about being kind, gentle and caring.  That is the way she raised me, the way she took care of me as I grew up in tiny Owasco, NY.  Without her knowing, those values were instilled in me in my formative years.

I believe the reason I cared about students in my teaching career and feel so strongly about Schools Count, and the people we work with, is because of my Mom.  To be of service to those who are hurting, who have suffered and are looking for a thread of hope, I say to my Mother, thank you for be a guiding light.

The other day I blogged about the fact that I have blogged 500 times about the work of Schools Count.  I also said I was looking forward to the next 500 days of blogging.  These next 500 are dedicated to you Mom.  Thanks for teaching me the value of reaching out to and caring for others.


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