Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Teacher Unions - Hardly Villians!

I just learned this morning that the Chicago Teacher's Union has filed a ten day notice of its intent to strike.  The chances of a strike are quite high following the Labor Day Holiday.  This is not an unexpected event, many expecting one since early this spring.

I occasionally hear people complaining about teachers, education, and the alleged failure of schools (teachers) to meet the needs of students.  Films are literature are out there claiming that such problems, and others, are caused by teacher unions.

That is simply inaccurate.  There are hundreds of thousands of teachers out there.   These good stewards of the educational process have all sorts of needs, pay being just one of the.  Teachers understand curriculum, learning, the student and what motivates him/her, methods of delivering materials, how to make effective use of time, assessments and much more.

To make the above issues, and a whole host of others, more relevant and understood by the general public, a voice must be heard.  Unions and other teacher associations are willing and able to attend to the concerns related to these issues.  When you get right down to it, dealing with these issues is vital to students receiving a top flight educational experience.

Unions and teacher associations do an excellent of working on student and teaching concerns.  These union and association benefits rarely get noticed by most people.  This is but another reason NOT to villify teacher unions.


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