Friday, April 20, 2012

Grateful NOLA School

Though the note below is brief, I believe it summarizes the feelings of many of the schools we have assisted in New Orleans for the past six years. The reason Mr. Goodwin sent me the note is because I notified the NOLA schools that we will no longer able to bring student school supplies to the Crescent City. Instead, Schools Count Corp. will aid schools in the Chicagoland area in addition to those in tornado ravaged parts of Indiana and Illinois.

I thought it appropriate to share with our donors, volunteers and others who are interested in our work. These are indeed some grateful individuals. Imagine, if we ever need help, they will be there for us!!!

Quite amazing. Good Morning, I definitely understand and on behalf of students, parents and faculty we would like to THANK YOU for everything you have done and how much you have helped over the years. If you ever need anything of us just call or email.

Sean J. Goodwin Assistant Principal
Joseph A. Craig Elementary

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