Thursday, December 8, 2011

Smiles All the Way Around

Mrs. Williams, a secretary at Alex Haley Elementary bound from her desk to the other side of the counter in what seemed like two steps! I wasn't really counting the steps because all I could notice was her broad smile as she greeted us and then gave us a HUGE bear hug.

Such was our day yesterday as Harry Bull and Ed Bulak joined me as we delivered well over 250 coats to five schools.

To say there was jubilation when we opened the boxes of coats, gloves, hats and mittens is not hyperbole. The principals, children, and office staff were thrilled to receive the winter wear. The cold is setting in and the children need to be kept warm.

One school that we delivered to said that they had a list of 89 students who have no coat. Fortunately, we brought them 60 coats and I am certain we can provide them with another 30 coats next week.

One of the interesting features of working with CPS is that when they receive needed resources, of any type, they let you know the extent of their appreciation. I love the fact that they are willing to wear their heartfelt emotions on their sleeves.

Each stop was much the same; handshakes, hugs, and smiles. In the final analysis, each of us was left with the same smile that greeted us at each school.

As soon as I get the photos, I will be sure to post them.

Many thanks for helping to make this day happen!

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