Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Heart Warming Story

Supporters of Schools Count,

I have a brief story to share with you that was conveyed to me this morning while delivering some 40 to 45 winter coats to the Harvey, IL. school district.

Over the past several days we have delivered over 300 winter coats to 7 Chicago Public Schools. Yesterday, after making our final deliveries in Chicago, I had a conversation with Ms. Bolton at the Harvey Central Office regarding the need for winter wear. She said they would be thrilled with the donation.

When I arrived in Harvey this morning, Ms. Bolton told me a story of one family who has a need for the coats. A Mom, within the Harvey school district, called Ms. Bolton inquiring about the availability of any coats. This lady mentioned that one of her daughters recently passed away and that she now is taking care of the grandchildren. The lady has also recently lost her husband. Aside from these two deaths, the lady has another daughter living with her and she has her own children. The bottom line is that there is a great deal of need in this household of 14 children, who attend Harvey schools, all of them needing coats. Ms. Bolton was so excited to see us as we pulled up with the coats, knowing full well that she can call this lady and tell her that all 14 children will receive winter coats today.

I just want all of you to know that your coat donations, fundraising, monetary contributions, volunteer work and other efforts throughout this past year have made it possible for a family to stay warm this winter and to experience the joy of the season and the good that you have done on their behalf. To the extent that I can, I wanted to share this story of sadness, on the one hand, with that of jubilation on the other.

In a sense, it seems as if this story encapsulates much of the good that you have done for so many thousands of people in 2011. Thank you!

Be well
and Happy Holidays,

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