Monday, November 28, 2011

Maggie Daley - A Stalwart

A number of you who normally read this blog typically read something regarding my rants against harm being done to public schools. You might also come across some of our good works accomplished on behalf of children in need. At other times I ask you to participate in some of efforts to help students.

But today, today, I want to take a moment to point out the good that former Chicago First Lady, Maggie Daley, did on behalf of school children within the city of Chicago. Twenty years ago, Maggie started the After School Matters program which enables teens, in after school activities, particularly the arts,to acquire the skills to better themselves in schools, work, college and beyond. Today there are some 20,000 participants in this program.

Twenty years ago this lady saw the need to do something to aid education, to work to overcome poverty, to end homelessness and to make school a better place to be. Her work was done to make life better for all concerned. To say that she dedicated her life, in large part, to educating the city's youth is not an overstatement. She cared deeply about the children of Chicago. It is our hope, at Schools Count Corp., to carry on in Maggie's name.

Today's blog, then, is a testament to her enduring qualities. May she rest in peace.


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