Friday, November 18, 2011

Dec. 1st is just around the Corner

With the first deadline approaching, in less than two weeks, many Chicago Public School educators, parents and officials are busy with assessing information on possible school closings for the 2012-13 school year.

It is a nervous time of year for students, parents, teachers, school personnel and other community leaders. No one wants to see a neighborhood school close. As some communities lose population, jobs, and other societal institutions, the last thing a community needs is to see its local school close its doors.

The initial list of CPS school closings is set for Thursday, December 1st. Make no mistake about it, schools will be closed.

Over recent years, the process at arriving at which schools will be closed has caused a good deal of uproar. This year is not likely to be much different.

Officials at CPS have indicated that school closings will be based upon academic performance. In the past, school closings have been partially based on this factor but underattendance at buildings has also weighed heavily on which schools will have their doors shuttered.

Right now 42% of the schools in the CPS system have low academic performance and poor attendance. Obviously, one can't close 42% of the schools. Sadly, 72 schools in the system have five consecutive years of low academic performance and poor attendance. These schools seem among the more likely to be consdiered for closure.

I want to add a cautionary note. Failing schools, on their own merits, aren't solely responsible for that status. Many of you who have followed my blog realize the fact that the larger community, if it is in peril, has much to do with the relative success, or lack thereof, of the school.

As State of Illinois Representative Cynthia Soto, of Chicago, puts it, "rather than close the failing schools, CPS needs to provide a full blast of resources and focus efforts on improving those programs." I completely agree with this assessment. Unless, and until, all efforts are spent to make a 'failing' school succeed, its doors shouldn't be shut.


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