Thursday, February 3, 2011

Our Mission in CPS schools

Recently I wrote about the blight of various neighborhoods, and the public schools therein, in Chicago. I mentioned the loss of manufacturing companies and the accompanying unemployment, poverty, a lack of safety because gangs may be present and the like. All of this adds up to a loss of property value and fewer funds being available for schools and other public services.

Sadly, schools are then perceived as not serving students because the entire area might be suffering. Needless to say, some schools may not be doing as well as they once did but this doesn't mean they aren't educating children in the proper manner. Often, these neighborhood public schools are among the most thriving enterprises within the community.

When I go into various schools, within CPS, I find the teachers doing admirable work in spite of the above difficulties. It is my belief that helping neighborhood schools will, in the long run, do more to assist the neighborhood than merely shutting them down.

So, our mission is multi-faceted, to help students and parents and, in turn, assist the very communities in which they live.

Thanks for all your help in this mission!

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