Monday, September 6, 2010

Thank You Schools Count Laborers

Traditionally, Labor Day is a day of rest, reflection and relaxation for a job well done. This is not only the case for regular wage and salary workers but, looking back upon the tremendous good our charity has done over the past year, I feel the same way about all the volunteer labor that has gone into the success of the work of our charity.

I can recall people collecting supplies in their schools, volunteers who helped set up for the annual HC Mardi Gras concert, and those who gave of their time and helped to deliver school supplies to New Orleans and Chicago Public Schools. Along the way, a good number of people helped to sort supplies and pack them on pallets. A sizeable group of people, young and old alike, gave of their time to organize various fundraisers; concerts, car washes, bowling events, KIKK and so many more.

Some of our volunteers gave of themselves in other fashions; sending out letters, printing leaflets and brochures or delivering supplies to the house. A couple of my friends met me at various schools and helped to load trucks. I had some last minute volunteers who, with short notice, gave of their 'day off' to run a forklift.

To each of you, though you earned no money, please accept my thanks for all that you have done this year. Without you, thousands of school children would be without daily supplies. Quite honestly, your efforts actually allow students to attend school, in the first place, and stay in school once the year commences.

Happy Labor Day,

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