Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cancer Walk on Oct. 3rd

Over the years, when I have blogged, I have related a story about our work relative to helping students and schools in need. Today I am reaching out to ask you to help in a different manner.

One of my friends and a former teaching colleague, Carol Smith, has recently been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. Carol is the real deal; she helps all who come to her, she is ever kind, and she is extraordinarily competent. In short, you couldn't find a person better suited to be in education.

Some years ago when I was the mentoring coordinator at Hinsdale Central, and Carol joined the staff, it was my job to help her make the transition to HC a smooth one. Little did I know that it would be Carol who would help me!! Carol always took the time to show the other new staff members the latest technology that was being implemented at the school. It was Carol, who in her own way, was the real mentor! I am forever indebted to her for all that she has done for me over the years.

On the eve of wanting to retire, Carol has contracted this horrible disease. Right now Carol is not at HC. She is about to head to TX to get a sense of what treatment path to follow in the coming weeks.

I am reaching out to you to seek your support of a cancer walk that I will participate in on October 3, 2010. The City of Hope ( is sponsoring a walk to raise funds for women with breast cancer. I have a goal of raising $1,000 and would like to have you sponsor me in the walk. Any contribution you can make would be greatly appreciated. Every dollar makes a difference. Should you have an interest in supporting me please contact me at and I'll get the link to you so that you can make your donation to this worthwhile cause.

Carol, and others like her, deserve a better day. Together we can tackle this cruel disease, one day finding a cure to all cancers.

Thanks for your support!

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