Monday, August 20, 2018

Unfilled Seats

Though the Chicago Public School students don't hit the books until Sept. 4th there are still plenty of events unfolding as the lead-up to the ringing of school bells. Even though our charity doesn't work with high school students we remain concerned and vigilant with respect to matters affecting the children in the neighborhood schools.

By this point in time most incoming freshman students have enrolled. Of the 40,000 seats allocated for incoming freshmen, nearly 14.000 seats remain unfilled. Of course one of the factors leading to this shortfall is the huge loss of population of families with school age children. The CEO of CPS, Ms. Janice Jackson, admitted as much.

There are other factors that certainly are at play in terms of fewer freshmen enrolling in the public schools. One thing is certain, the footprint of what CPS high schools will look like in the years to come is bound to undergo serious change.


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