Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A Growing Numbness to School Shootings

The sad and tragic deaths of two fifteen year old students in a senseless school shooting in Kentucky yesterday marks the 11th shooting in our nation's schools in the first 23 days of 2018. Yes, a school shooting every other day. Actually, it is occurring more often than that given the fact that schools aren't in session on weekends!

Schools have historically been viewed as among the safest of environments in our country. No more it appears. From Columbine to Virginia Tech to Sandy Hook, our schools are now, too often, facing the loss of lives through shootings. When people ask 'when will it end?' or 'is anyone going to do something about it?" no one seems willing to step forward. There simply is too little real concern, too much numbness and too little fortitude to tackle the many issues revolving around guns.

And by guns I'm referencing a number of issues; screenings and background checks, the availability of them, mental illness, gun safety (locks for example), assault weapons and more.

It's time to no longer be numb or ignorant to such conditions in our schools.


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