Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A Day Without a Teacher

Let me close the brief discussion concerning the teacher shortage with this. To each parent of a son/daughter, how would you feel if your child/children attended school and the Administration had to drop a couple of courses and/or an entire curriculum in a content area that your son/daughter really wanted to take?

I'm serious, what would your reaction be? How do you suppose your child would feel about being denied an opportunity they relish?

And to those who would offer the lame excuse that "they can sign up for another program," I say that's nonsense and it's our responsibility to see to it that no child is denied opportunities for success. Put another way, as adults it's incumbent upon us that we don't allow education to be diminished in any way.

We all need to jump into the fray with regard to making sure all of our schools have the teachers our students need and deserve.


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