Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Rural School Plight - Part 2

As far as rural schools are concerned, not only are they suffering due to local funds drying up they are also starving because many state provide a disproportionate number of dollars to non rural areas. As reported by NEA Today a paltry 17% of state education funding goes to rural school districts. This seems completely out of whack considering that 28.5% of America's schools are rural.

So local dollars and state funding has gone begging in recent years. That's clearly not the end of the growing blight hitting our rural schools. There's more...

The Trump Administration has a proposal that will slash federal investment in public education programs by an astonishing 13.6%. No doubt rural schools will take a hit.

Congress, in my view, has its hands dirtied in terms of funding of rural schools. The Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act (which support 4,000 schools in 41 states) expired in 2016 and Congress has not reauthorized the act. Bottom line...dollars are not making their way to local rural school districts.

The suffering goes on!!


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