Friday, December 9, 2016

The Common Good

It is a cold, raw and cloudy day here in Orland Park, IL and what I have to share with you is not the typical meal of what is happening at CPS or the efforts of our charity elsewhere. And these few thoughts may seem to have little to do with our work, on the surface, yet I believe that have much to say about supporting public education.

Essentially, our country and our way of life was built around the idea of the 'Common Good.' This is not something I've made up, far from it. From the times of the ancient Greek city-states up to today, the essence or very idea of the Common Good has always moved the needle towards the advancement of procuring goods, security, and justice for a group. By a group, I'm referring not to one family or business but our collective nation, the United States of America.

But the 'Common Good' is only advanced by active participation, collective action and citizenship. This leads me to the following; it is all the more essential that our public schools and institutions of learning, at all levels, somehow summon up the courage and understanding to promote these essentials. It is why, in a very small but important way, our charity places an emphasis on helping those who need the tools to accomplish the above to work towards and for the 'Common Good.'


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