Tuesday, June 7, 2016

End of the Year

Graduation, cleaning up the room, storing supplies, getting things in order for summer curriculum work and saying good-bye to our students. These and many other tasks take place at this time of the year. For others, it might mean a final good-bye as a number of teachers end their careers in the classroom.

Whatever the end of the year means to staff, students, parents and others it is a time to recognize the fact that public education, and all who take some part in it, have no doubt made lasting contributions. Too often, these days, there are plenty of obstacles and roadblocks that seemingly impede the work in the classroom.

Perhaps this has always been the case. Getting a decent education might seem like a simple task on the one hand but, overcoming problems and setbacks has always been one of the key components in 'educating' our youth. It isn't simply about grades at the end of the year; rather, it has more to do with the so called 'journey.'

I hope everyone's journey has been fulfilling and rewarding.


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