Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Bite the Bullet

With the CPS system in dire economic straits and tensions high on a number of fronts especially with regard to trying to reach a new teacher-district accord it is time for the CTU to take some bold action. No, I'm not talking about the teachers going out on strike.

From a standpoint of the integrity and survival of the school system itself, on a long-term basis, the teachers need to take a pay freeze. Walk into the Board of Education and CEO Claypool's Office and tell them that you are willing to forego any type of raise for the next couple of years.

I get it...I negotiated contracts on behalf of teachers so I don't take this matter lightly.

But this goes beyond money, personalities and other important issues. We are now talking about a school system where children are leaving neighborhood schools in droves. Budgets are being slashed due to financial troubles, reduction in staff is on the horizon and the system cannot stand taking on more debt.

This is about CPS existing into the future and if the 'higher ups' can't solve the problem(s) then it is up to the CTU to do its part. We are talking about survival.


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