Monday, June 1, 2015

CPS boss steps down

It's that time of the year. Schools are about to call it a year, graduation takes place, teachers retire and the kids have summer vacation. This year, at CPS, another event is taking place as the doors close and the year comes to an end. CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett has resigned.

Ms. Byrd-Bennett has resigned in the wake of the federal probe of a $20.5 million dollar no bid contract. The contract with SUPES Academy, where Ms. Byrd-Bennett worked prior to coming to CPS is under a great deal of scrutiny. There are other issues and personnel tied to the case and it certainly appears that had the CEO remained on the job it would have been problematic at best.

Just what the Board of Education and Mayor Emanuel decide to do going forward remains to be seen relative to picking a new CEO. For now Jesse Ruiz will continue in his role as interim CEO.

With an enormous school budget deficit, pending teacher negotiations and more issues, this summer will not likely be a quiet one in Chitown.


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