Thursday, April 30, 2015

Too Many Baltimores

What is taking place in Baltimore is indeed sad and tragic. There are many moving parts; the death of Freddie Gray, the peaceful protests, the destructive riots, the police department, the manner of handling the affair by local and state authorities, the decades long problems - blight, poverty, decay - in portions of the city, the good work of many organizations and so much more.

These various elements have much to do with one another in the story that is Baltimore. It is the same story that has played out in other parts of the country. It is an ongoing story.

What I have seen happen in the journalistic media, but more frequently in social media, is too often the concentration on just one of the above elements. I have been appalled at the rants about the youth destroying property as if that is the only part of the story that they people want to see. By the way, I absolutely do not
condone such heinous acts.

But the point is this...this isn't simply a matter of the sad ending to the life of Freddie Gray. People need to understand the numerous events and issues that have been the life of Freddie Gray and lives of so many others who have not met the same fate as Freddie.

We all need to be more knowledgeable about what takes place in areas of neglect and despair particularly if we are not familiar with such regions. There are too many Baltimore's in America and we all be better served to learn about what can be done to improve each of them.

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