Tuesday, June 3, 2014

YOU Are Always the Solution

Whether it's helping children-in-need, supporting a cause to end a disease, participating in 5K, or assisting a charitable institution, citizens in this country always seem to be the guiding light.

I've heard many people say something like this regarding children and schools who are short on resources. "It's a shame." Still others lament the deplorable situation by saying "Something ought to be done about it."

This charity (ours, yours)is based on your energy, donations, time spent volunteering, and dedication to keep the flames of optimism burning. I appreciate the fact that many of you are joining us this Saturday to sort supplies for the students in the CPS system and southern suburbs. Because you are willing to take the time to sort, the kids will have many more of the materials they need to be successful.

Schools Count has always relied on you and I want each of you to know that I respect and honor your willingness to give of yourself to our various causes. As stated, YOU are the solution to many of the problems plaguing the tough conditions faced by children who had nothing to do with the dilemmas they face each day.

Thank you,

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