Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Working Poor

There are plenty of poor pockets in many areas of America. Within those regions, be it inner cities or rural areas, there are plenty of citizens who do go about their jobs day in and day out. Yet, what they earn is simply not enough to pay for all of the bills or to take care of various necessities.

Why am I commenting on this when our charity and this blog deals with education? The answer is quite simple. The very hard working people who do have jobs often don't have the funds to take care of various needs that deal with educating their sons and daughters. Be it school supplies, sports equipment, tutoring (no way they'll be able to afford this luxury), music instruments or other needs, parents - though they are working - may well not be able to take care of these bills.

It is a sad state when someone is working, making minimal income, and can't help with school related expenses. I have found that these are among the people most grateful for the support that Schools Count Corp. affords their children. Something is not quite right when the educational aspirations are limited through no fault of working families.

This is just one of many reasons why we are glad to serve!!


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