Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Public Schooling and Charters

Over the next few days I will be taking a look at charter schools within our public education framework. This is a discussion about public schooling and not a public vs. private dialogue. The charter school movement is extensive and growing, displacing plenty of traditional public schools.

At the outset, I will mention that I find the charter school movement troubling on various counts. I acknowledge, at the same time, that some traditional public schools are having a difficult time. I won't sugarcoat that issue.

Charters, by their nature are different, in many respects, from traditional schools and from each other. I will point out that different, in this case, is not necessarily better and this issue demands our scrutiny.

Prior to detailing some of the issues we will examine, I want to make it clear that I believe the charter movement, though many of its founders and adherents are well intentioned, with its current rapid growth is often ill advised. Many public schools and municipalities are in debt and one of the ways of getting rid of the debt is to disavow the responsibility for providing a traditional public education.

I believe that there is no greater service to provide to the public than a free public education to all that is based on excellence. Debt is not a good reason to 'off load' public schools. It is a shirking of responsibility to the public at large.

I make no apology for my stance...localities, cities, towns, the states and the nation should be careful about the long term possible effects of turning over responsibility of public education to a wide variety of charter schools.

Some of the issues we will examine include; funding, organization and structure, accountability, effects on children and existing schools, successes and failures, and more.

I want you to know that the presentation is based on much research rather than a simple personal dislike of charters. I hope you find the series to be beneficial.


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