Monday, September 1, 2008

Aiding Iowa

Schools Count Corp went into flood stricken Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Monday, Aug. 25th in order to deliver school supplies to Grant Woods Elementary School and other schools devastated by this summers Midwest floods.

The supplies were sent to Cedar Rapids through the outstanding work of Megan LaForte at Clarendon Hills Middle School in Clarendon Hills, IL. Clarendon Hills Middle and a number of other schools in District 181 furnished backpacks loaded with colored pencils, notebooks, binders, loose leaf paper, pencils and much more.

Not only are the Cedar Rapids schools still in need of daily supplies but the larger community has housing and relocation needs that need to be met in an urgent fashion.

I saw first hand the struggle of the community. I witnessed many people living in tents with meager essentials. Many of the houses on the northwest side of the city are still vacant. Trash remains littered on street after street.

Schools Count Corp is committed to continuing to aid the Cedar Rapid school system.
We are looking to get to Cedar Rapids as soon as possible perhaps within the next two weeks.

Though Schools Count Corp’s normal month for soliciting for funds is in the month of April, we are asking those interested in aiding the Cedar Rapids school children to send a special one-time check for any amount so that we can aid the children as they return to the classroom.

Checks should be made payable to Schools Count Corp and sent to Dick Flesher, 219 Brookside Lane, A, Willowbrook, IL. 60527

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