Yesterday, in many respects, was like any other day around the house. I wrote a blog, wrote a couple of notes of thanks, played with Daisy (our puppy), did some laundry, got in my arm exercises and headed down to the end of the driveway to pick up the mail.
To my amazement - complete - a $2,500.00 check was in the mail. It's a check from a friend and former teaching colleague. I'd sure like to mention the name of the family but if I mention them, well, you know, then they might not like to be identified in our blog or on facebook. Besides, if I give these people the credit for their generosity then I'd really need to mention the hundreds of donors and volunteers who have stepped forward these past seven years.
I can tell you this, the family was aware of our desire to build a band program at King Elementary School in Chicago. Talk about pitching in!! This funds are enough to put 20 instruments into the hands of the students. I have already ordered the trombones, flutes, trumpets, clarients and saxophones for the children and band director.
Mr. Millman is the Assistant Principal and band director and he will be amazed, I'm sure, at how quickly we will be able to get the instruments to his students. One thing is for certain, he and the rest of the kids will be told who donated the funds to help establish their band program.
So, to this anonymous donor (at least online), know that you are making a difference in the lives of the children who will fiill the hallways of King with the sound of music. You have given opportunities to those who want a chance to better themselves. For that, I am truly appreciative.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
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