Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What's Going On?

A Chicago Public School strike, one in Lake Forest and some others pending.  There are also a good number of schools negotiating but making little progress in talks.  Well, these strikes and other potential job actions are just the tip of the iceberg from my vantage point.

Last year Governor Walker, and the legislature, of Wisconsin imposed restrictions on public employees engaging in collective bargaining.  I also know of a good number of schools where the district wants to not only offer a 0% increase in wages, they want to restrict raises by eliminating lanes and steps.

Fortunately, yesterday a judge in Indiana ruled that the State Board of Education (I think this is the correct organization) could not use a particular form in the various school district in Indiana that would change the school day (lengthen it or add hours) and prevent the chance for an increase in salary.  Just think what the repercussions would have been had the judge not struck down the rule.

These are but a small sampling of the many assaults on public unions and associations. Why the villification of unions?  Are we to believe that it's all about funding?  That's part of it for sure.  Teachers need to negotiate with their bosses because, in large measure, too many people just don't understand the many issues that confront today's educator.

The assault on collective bargaining needs to stop!


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