Monday, September 24, 2012

Some Additional Thanks

A few words of praise and thanks are in order!

First, additional funds have come into Schools Count Corp. via the Hinsdale Central High School KICK endeavor.  The fantastic sum of $5,885.00 was raised through individual donations, corporate sponsorships, the soccer-tennis tourney and family contributions.  Thanks to one and all.

I want to give a shout out to Maria O'Donnell as she purchased four dozen sorely needed uniforms for the students at Bryant Elementary School in Harvey.  Your kindness is greatly appreciated.

Finally, to Sheralynn and Jeff Kellough, you really came through in a big way!  These music lovers and great supporters of Schools Count made funds available to purchase a number of clarinets, flutes, saxophones, trumpets and trombones.  King Elementary School, in the CPS system, now has plenty of instruments for their music class and band program.

No matter the needs, these generous people, like you, are always there to jump in when the need arises.  Thank you for your ongoing support!


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