Friday, September 7, 2012

Students Assisting Students

That's the way it has always been with many of the students at Hinsdale Central, students assisting people with needs greater than their own.  Now a small group of students (at least small right now) wants to step up and help kids who have it rough.

SAS is a club in its formative stages.  This is a group of students interested in supporting Schools Count Corp by raising funds in addition to participating in endeavors that provide coats and other tangible materials to students in the Chicagoland area.

One of the great things about this club is the fact that the participants will garner the needed supplies and personally deliver them to CPS and Harvey, IL students.  This is not a group of students having one meeting after another.  No, this is a club of action that will be able to see the fruits of their labor.

After an initial meeting yesterday, the four students assembled, keyed in on ways to get other HC students to join the club.   They've also committed to their first fundraiser, working concessions at Homecoming on Sat., Sept. 29th.

Aside from collecting warm coats, the students are also interested in helping to paint Lowell Longfellow School in Harvey, IL.  Along the way, the club will deliver some needed classroom supplies to various schools in addition to participating in a number of events already on the Schools Count Corp calendar for 2012-2013.  Some of the club's members are even talking about getting their former elementary or junior high involved in our 'Go Green' program.

Hats off to the students of SAS!  I am thrilled that you want to reach out, with such genuine sincerity, to help kids trying to make the best of themselves.  I am really looking forward to working with you.


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