Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Vote for Teachers

One of the many reasons I have always enjoyed teaching and support public education is due to the ability of teachers to adapt.  Adaptation in today's world is essential and it isn't always based on technology.

Over the years, the necessity of teachers to adapt to Education Services initiatives has called upon these professionals to adjust their curriculum.  Changes in societal lifestyles, the speed of the information age, diet/nutirition choices, the demand of the 'testing' era, and the world of work have called upon teachers to adapt.

The demands made by parents, changes in law, and education reform have also placed a huge burden on teachers in terms of making changes in their classroom practices.

When I visit schools, and watch classroom student-teacher interaction, and chat with colleagues who are still in the profession I witness people who DO make the necessary changes.  In fact, most exhibit this flexibility with attendant issues.  Quite candidly, I often find teachers to be the first in line to make the necessary adaptations so that students progress. 


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