Thursday, November 14, 2013

Well, What Do You Know!

I quite often disagree with Dennis Byrne on various policy matters and issues. However, Mr. Byrne of the Chicago Tribune shared a couple of realistic ideas concerning education that I not only agree with but, more importantly, they hold the promise of helping student learning.

Two days ago the editorial writer suggested that we ought to do away with standardized testing. His reasons, which I agree with, are clear. Eliminating standardized testing will allow teachers more time to teach and will save money. The key component, I believe, is that it will free teachers to teach and children can learn.

Of course, the skeptics and so called reformers will cry about such a move. They'll contend that there is no way to hold teachers accountable and that we can't track student learning. They'll go on to say that if we can't track learning through testing then how on earth can we determine who should receive funding and how will we ever be able to rate teachers!!

On my, the earth is falling!!! I have news for these critics. Long before standardized testing made its appearance, teachers were held accountable for their actions and those same teachers always found a way to get the most out of their students and were able to help them move on in life; to college, to a place in the world of work, or some other endeavor.

Thank you Dennis for speaking the truth, for arguing for a common sense idea, one sure to help the students.


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