Friday, November 8, 2013

Democracy in Education Needs Unions

Over the past couple of days I have raised concerns over the fact that the democratic process is slowly (or rapidly) being eroded within the enterprise of education. On this point I believe there should be no disagreement. I've pointed out the heavy requirements made through standardized testing, schools boards being appointed rather than being elected, school board handing down edicts with too little teacher input and more.

This is exactly why unions serve a useful purpose in education. They are one more useful tool in the process of arriving at developing a strong school where richness is embedded in the curriculum.

I am sure some people think that the NEA, AFT and local affiliations are a pain in the butt. When it gets right down to it, though, unions often provide the lead in arriving at thoughtful decision-making which profoundly impacts students. I am certain that reasonable class sizes, alternative teaching methods, the advanced use of technology and much more is due, in large part, because of teacher innovation.

Let's not kid ourselves...many of the improvements in learning and assisting children in a variety of ways relative to their maturation would not have taken place without the assistance of unions. They are a positive force in the democratization of education.


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