Monday, November 25, 2013

The Heartache and Thankfulness is in Abundance

What is one to make of this image from a photo I took today in Washington, IL? There are so many streets and sections of town that look like this; well, it is simply hard to imagine the tragedy and scope of loss that so many thousands of people are feeling right now.

Amid the rubble that I witnessed today, I came away with the realization that Washington is thankful for the fact that so many lives being spared from the wrath of the 170 miles per hour tornado. People are well aware that the loss of life could have been much, much worse. Conditions are great in some sections of Washington while other areas have been reduced to a literal shambles.

While delivering coats and other student supplies to Washington High, today, I found people to be buoyant and upbeat despite the losses. I found people helping neighbors and happy to lend a hand in spite of their own minor losses. We had plenty of volunteers helping us!! Imagine...helping us. It is a true joy to work with people who care so deeply about one another and the outreach afforded by our charity.

I have returned home both thankful for my many blessings but mindful that there is more to do on behalf of the good people of Washington in the days ahead. I assured the people we shall return!


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