Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Democracy in Peril in Schools

Ames Middle School in the Logan Square neighborhood isn't on the chopping for underenrollment. It's on the hit list because CPS has decided to put a military academy at the high school and middle school levels while closing Ames as it is currently constituted.

Yes, democracy is in peril at Ames. You see, the local school council (LSC) and other members of the community are opposed to making Ames a military academy.

Jose Jaramillo, of the LSC, summed it up best when he said, "We are tired of trying to fight a battle [with] people making decisions for our school when we are the ones [who] are vested and give all our time for the excellence of our community and our school."

The true stake holders; the community, children, LSC and parents are being told what will happen. Quite honestly, their voices aren't being heard, their wishes ignored, and their right to stand for something being taken away. The institution of education in this country is under assault on a number of fronts. The democratic process is truly in peril in our public schools.

The unelected CPS school board and decisions like the one involving Ames are but one of many such examples.


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