Monday, November 11, 2013

Some Juicy FACTS!

Yes, it's true. Paul Vallas is on the ticket, running as Lt. Governor, with Pat Quinn. This is indeed the same Paul Vallas who once ran CPS and then sent to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina to run the Recovery School District. I have run into plenty of people in NOLA who dealt with Mr. Vallas and many of them resented the heavy hand he imposed on the district. Yes, he also went on to serve in other school districts in the U.S. as well as being an education advisor in Haiti and Chile.

Want more? Do you know what Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Bill Gates, Rupert Murdock, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Harkin Chair of Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee) and Cory Booker have in common? Yes, they have a heavy influence on schools and the reform movement. All of these people also happen to have never taught before!! And they are telling the education community how to run itself? UGH!!!

Like I said, some juicy facts. They also don't sit very well in my stomach.


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