Friday, October 4, 2013

Will they Notice?

No doubt the mayor and CPS hierarchy see the news concerning the fact that, over the past four years, an additional 1,300 students are attending parochial elementary schools in the city of Chicago.   They might well see this information but whether it has any impact on their decision making going forward is another matter.

Even Superintendent Sister Mary Paul McCaughey said some of the city growth came from parents leaving or dodging CPS.   Her response to this premise was "certainly it's a factor."

I'm not raising an issue over children attending parochial schools.   That is certainly a parents rightful choice.   I am simply making the point that the constant chaos, in recent years, within the CPS system is likely costing them students.   Schools being closed, budgets being slashed, a strike and the constant drumbeat of things going wrong seems pervasive.  

Why wouldn't families opt to send their children to parochial schools?   The question remains, what will CPS do to address so many issues?


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