Monday, October 7, 2013

More Mistruths Revealed

Another one of the 'corporate reformer's' myths that has been perpetuated as part of their effort to discredit today's schools deals with the dropout rate.   As the 'reformers' contend, more kids are dropping out thus revealing the failure of our public schools.

Again, this is not true.   Among whites in 1972 the dropout rate was 12%.   By 2009,  the dropout for the same group was down to 5%.   Among blacks the dropout rate in 1972 was 21%.   By 2009, the dropout rate for blacks had declined to 9%.   By the way, the same trend holds true for Hispanics.   As you can see, positive gains have been made to reduce the dropout rate.

When someone goes on about the failure of our public schools with regard to test scores and children dropping out, you can straighten them on these fronts.   The fact remains, kids are making learning gains and they are staying in school.

Don't allow the critics to bash the good that is taking place!


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